Event Details


Registration for this event is limited to 40 entries. 36 slots remaining!
Online registration for this event will not be available after July 7, 2023 at 5:00 PM EDT

When: Friday, July 7, 2023, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT
Taino Chess Club
1020 Farminton Avenue
Berlin, CT 06037
View Map
Sponsor: Connecticut State Chess Association
Event Type: Open
Entry Fees:
Section Fees & Conditions
Blitz Player $20 USD initial ; $30 USD effective 07/06/2023
Schedule: 5 double-Rounds SS; Round 1 at 6 PM, then ASAP
Time Control: G/5 d2
Byes: Half (1/2) point bye requests (3 maximum) are available for rounds: 1, 2, 3.
Zero (0) point bye requests are available for rounds: 4, 5.
Alexander Lumelsky
P: +18605930225
Event URL: Click for more information

Starting Position: Computer generated by “Chess960: What The Fischer?!” website.

Prizes: $100-$50 to Top 2 players. Trophies to Top Female, Senior (50+) and Scholastic players. State Champion trophy to top Connecticut player. See note [1]. Prizes based on final standings on USCF tie breaks, NOT USCF distribution rules, except perfect (10-0) scores, who share money prizes equally. 

Tie break: If there are 2 or more players tied with a perfect (10-0) score, an Armageddon G/5/4 d2 playoff will determine the winner and will immediately follow Round 5. See Note [2] below. Other ties determined by US Chess standard tie breaks.

Entry Fee: $20 by July 5; $30 thereafter. Online registration, only, until 5 pm July 7. NO on-site registration. 40 entries maximum. CSCA standard (hardship, Title I, sibling and senior) and membership discounts apply. Masters and 2200+: GM/IM free entry by July 5, deducted from prize thereafter. Players rated 2200+ receive 50% off entry by July 5. Please email events.CSCA@gmail.com to register.

Out-of-state: Out-of-state players (see Note [1] below) are welcome and prize eligible, except State title.

Notes: This is a nonprofit event co-sponsored by the CSCA and Milford Chess Club for the benefit of the Connecticut chess community. Unauthorized solicitation is prohibited. 

[1] Connecticut player. For the purpose of these Championships, a “Connecticut player” is

(a) any player whose state is designated Connecticut (“CT”) with U.S. Chess, or

(b) any player whose state is not designated “CT” with U.S. Chess, but who (i) resides, (ii) attends school or (iii) is employed or self-employed in the state of Connecticut.

Event entrants pursuant to section (b) will provide proof of eligibility. 

 [2] Tie break playoff format. If there are 2 or more players tied with a perfect (4-0) score, a playoff will determine the section winner and will immediately follow Round 4. The playoff format will be G/5/4 d2 Armageddon game, blitz rules apply, with USCF tie breaks determining seeding and choice of color. Playoff pairings will be highest seed against lowest seed and so on. Each playoff round will result in elimination of the losing player(s). Final placement of eliminated players will be arranged in order of seeding based on round of playoff elimination. If the number of players in the initial playoff round is uneven, the highest seeded player(s) will advance without play to the second playoff round. All other ties broken by US Chess standard tie break rules.

[5] Rating and Rating Supplement. This event is not USCF rated because there is no rating scale offered by US Chess for Fischer Random Chess. Nevertheless, players’ regular rating and the Jul 2023 USCF Rating Suppl will be used for pairings and prizes.

[6] Tax requirements. Players receiving total payments of $600 or more from the CSCA in 2023 must submit a W-9 to the CSCA at events.CSCA@gmail.com in advance of receiving prize.

[7] Contact. All questions/inquiries to events.CSCA@gmail.com.

[8] Refunds. Refund requests are accepted via email ONLY to events.CSCA@gmail.com for withdrawals no later than 11:59 PM on July 5, subject to $15 admin fee. 

* Fischer Random, also known as Chess960, is a version of chess invented by former World Champion GM Robert (Bobby) Fischer, in which the back row of pieces is set up in random order, but the game is still played in accordance with the regular rules of chess. Some conditions apply to the order of set up, including that the King must be between the Rooks and Bishops must be on opposite colors. (Read about Fischer Random/Chess960 here: Wikipedia and “Chess960: What The Fischer?!”) This version of the game has gained substantial international popularity, recently, including at the very top, resulting in the advent of the FIDE Fischer Random World Championship, first introduced in 2019. American GM Wesley So won the inaugural 2019 world title in Baerum, Norway, and American GM Hikaru Nakamura won the 2022 world title, only its second installment, in Reykjavik, Iceland on the 50th anniversary of the Fischer-Spassky World Championship match.