Event Details


Registration for this event is limited to 78 entries. 38 slots remaining!
Online registration for this event will not be available after March 16, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT

When: Sunday, March 17, 2024, 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM EDT
Lyme-Old Lyme High School - Commons Area
69 Lyme St
Old Lyme, CT 06371
View Map
Sponsor: BSA Troop 67 Montville, CT
Event Type: Scholastic (K-12)
Entry Fees:
Section Fees & Conditions
K-2nd $25 USD
Maximum 14 participants.
10 slots remaining!
3rd-5th $25 USD
Maximum 32 participants.
17 slots remaining!
6th-12th $25 USD
Maximum 32 participants.
11 slots remaining!
Schedule: Check-In: 9:30AM, 1st Round: 10:00AM, Follow-on Rounds: ASAP
Time Control: Nominally 30 minutes per round, then 5 Minutes per Side Clock-Controlled.
Scott Fagan
Event URL: Click for more information

The Akela Chess Classic

Hosted by: BSA Troop 67; Charted Organization: VFW Post 10060 Montville, CT

Co-sponsored by the Connecticut State Chess Association

Open to all Boys & Girls K-12!

Take on the fun and challenge of playing chess!  The Akela Chess Classic is a Five-Round chess tournament open to all K-12th.  Tournament play is in three brackets: K-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-12th.

Tournament Format, Operation, and Rules: https://troop67montville.org/The-Akela-Chess-Classic/

When: March 17, 2024. Check-in is at 9:30 AM. 

Rounds start at 10:00 AM, follow-on rounds ASAP. Break 12-1 PM. Awards 2:30 PM.

Where: Lyme-Old Lyme High School, 69 Lyme St. Old Lyme, CT 06371

Fees: $25 per player in advance, $30 at the door. (Includes CSCA membership)

Awards: Event Medal to all participants! Trophies are awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place in each bracket. 


Alexander Lumelsky, Tournament Director, CSCA, events.csca@gmail.com

Scott Fagan, Event Producer, chair@troop67montville.org