2023 Connecticut Scholastic Championships
Event Details
Registration for this event is limited to 136 entries. 13 slots remaining!
Online registration for this event will not be available after January 7, 2023 at 10:30 AM EST.
On-site registration is not available for this event.
When: | Saturday, January 7, 2023, 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM EST | ||||||||||||
Where: |
Sacred Heart University, Bowman Hall
5151 Park Avenue Bowman Hall Fairfield, CT 06825 View Map |
Sponsor: | Connecticut State Chess Association | ||||||||||||
Event Type: | Scholastic (K-12) | ||||||||||||
Entry Fees: |
Online registration only. No on-site registration. |
Schedule: | High, Middle and Elementary: Round 1 at 9:30a, subsequent Rounds ASAP Primary and K-1: Round 1 at 10a, subsequent Rounds ASAP |
Time Control: | High, Middle and Elementary: G/55 d5 Primary and K-1: G/35 d5 |
Byes: | Half (1/2) point bye requests (1 maximum) are available for rounds: 1, 2, 3. Zero (0) point bye requests are available for rounds: 2, 3, 4. |
Contact: |
Alexander Lumelsky P: +18605930225 |
Event URL: | Click for more information | ||||||||||||
Notes/Terms: | "SAME DAY" REGISTRATION LIMITED TO AVAILABLE SPACE. Rds/Time: 4 Rounds SS. High, Middle and Elementary Sections: G/55 d5, Rd 1 at 9:30 AM. Primary and K-1 Sections: G/35 d5, Rd 1 at 10 AM. Byes: One ½ point bye for Rds 1 through 3; 0 point byes any round. Sections: 5 sections: High School (grades 9 thru 12); Middle School (grades 6 thru 8); Elementary School (grades K thru 5); Primary School (grades K thru 3); and K-1 (grades K and 1) Prizes: High: Trophy to Top 5, U1600, U1200, U800 and Female not otherwise placing; Middle: Trophy to Top 5, U1300, U1000, U700 and Female not otherwise placing; Elementary: Trophy to Top 5, U1000, U800, U500 and Female not otherwise placing; Primary: Trophy to Top 3, U500 and Female not otherwise placing; K-1: Trophy to Top 3 and Top Female not otherwise placing; Medals: Official 2023 Scholastic Championships medals to non-placing participants. Individual competition, only. “Team flag” not applied to pairings. (Team Championships planned as separate competition on March 4 in Manchester.) Connecticut Champions: Top Connecticut player in each section will receive a Connecticut State Champion trophy. See Note [1] below. Tie break: If there are 2 or more players tied with a perfect (4-0) score, a playoff will determine the section winner and will immediately follow Round 4. See Note [2] below. Other ties determined by US Chess standard tie breaks. Nationals: Connecticut Champion and runner up in the High, Middle and Elementary school sections receive Nominee and Alternate status to the 2023 Denker, Barber and Rockefeller National Tournaments of Champions, respectively. CSCA National Nominations Rules apply. 2023 National Tournaments take place July 29 to August 1 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Entry Fee: $65 by December 31; $85 by January 4; $105 by January 6; “Same day” $125 closes at 10:30a on January 7 (“same day” registrants subject to ½ point bye for Round 1 at organizer’s discretion). Online registration, only. "SAME DAY" REGISTRATION LIMITED TO AVAILABLE SPACE. NO on-site registration. On-site changes: $20 (cash exact change only). Discounts: General DISCOUNTS: Students with financial hardship, attending Title I schools or requesting a sibling discount should email to request additional registration instructions. CSCA Member Organization DISCOUNT: CSCA Member Organization schools will receive instructions to apply $15 membership discount to their students. Schools may apply for Member Organization status at any time by email to GMs and IMs: Entry fee is waived for GMs and IMs, if registering by December 31. 50% waived thereafter. Please email to register. Out-of-state: Out-of-state players (see Note [1] below) are welcome and prize eligible, except State titles and National selections. Notes: THIS NONPROFIT EVENT IS ORGANIZED AND SPONSORED BY THE CONNECTICUT STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION AND SACRED HEART UNIVERSITY CHESS. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE CONNECTICUT CHESS COMMUNITY. This is an official US Chess recognized State Championship event, and designated players will be nominated to represent Connecticut at the 2023 Denker, Barber and Rockefeller National Tournaments of Champions. [1] Connecticut player. For the purpose of these Championships, a “Connecticut player” is (a) any player whose state is designated Connecticut (“CT”) with U.S. Chess, or (b) any player whose state is not designated “CT” with U.S. Chess, but who (i) resides or (ii) attends school in the state of Connecticut. Event entrants pursuant to section (b) will provide proof of eligibility. [2] Tie break playoff format. If there are 2 or more players tied with a perfect (4-0) score, a playoff will determine the section winner and will immediately follow Round 4. The playoff format will be G/5/4 d2 Armageddon game, blitz rules apply, with USCF tie breaks determining seeding and choice of color. Playoff pairings will be highest seed against lowest seed and so on. Each playoff round will result in elimination of the losing player(s). Final placement of eliminated players will be arranged in order of seeding based on round of playoff elimination. If the number of players in the initial playoff round is uneven, the highest seeded player(s) will advance without play to the second playoff round. All other ties broken by US Chess standard tie break rules. [3] COVID-19 Protocols Apply. All applicable Sacred Heart University COVID-19 Protocols apply. [4] Rating Supplement. January 2023 USCF Rating Suppl. used for section entry, pairings and prizes. [5] Contact. All questions/inquiries to [6] Refunds/Cancellation Policy: To withdraw registration or request a refund, email your request to no later than January 5 at 11:59 PM. Refund requests not received by email or received after the above deadline, will not be honored. Refunds are subject to $15 administrative fee. [7] Unauthorized solicitation is prohibited. This is a nonprofit event for the Connecticut chess community, and the CSCA event Promotion Policy at CSCA Tournaments & Events is in effect. Please contact CSCA at for advertising and promotional opportunities. |